Preparing for climate change
Why it matters 
Nottingham is already experiencing a range of climate impacts, including heat waves and flooding. In the future, these are expected to happen more often and become severe. Water shortages, food shortages, and a decline in the nature also become more likely as the climate changes.
We need to help our city, and those who live here, be less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We call this adaptation. Ensuring that we can anticipate, manage, and recover from the effects of events related to climate change is what we call resilience.
Both adaptation and resilience are important when taking action to limit future climate change and must be considered alongside actions to reduce carbon emissions across the city.
What we’re doing
We are working with partners to better understand local flood risk and enhance Nottingham’s natural environment through flood management schemes. This involves working on projects that help reduce the risk of flooding to homes and businesses by storing water, slowing the flow and returning watercourses, such as brooks, to a more natural state.
Across the city, we are looking at ways to manage surface water flooding using sustainable drainage systems. These are green features that capture rainfall and reduce the flows going into traditional drainage pipes. As well as reducing the risk of flooding, these schemes improve habitats for wildlife and help make the city greener.
What can you do?
🌡 Consider how you can reduce overheating in your home
Planting trees or shading plants in your garden will help reduce the direct sunlight on your home, helping to keep temperatures down during heat wave events.
If there are Council maintained street trees where you live, help take care of them by reporting any issues via the Council website: Report Problems with Transport, Parking and Streets - Nottingham City Council
⚠ Be prepared and keep informed during a heatwave
The Red Cross have advice on how to prepare for, and what to do during, a heatwave. Find out more on their website: How to prepare for heatwave temperatures | British Red Cross
💧 Slow the flow of water
Consider your outdoor space and what you can do to help slow the flow of water into the drainage system during heavy rainfall. It could be installing a water butt, opting for permeable paving or surfaces in your garden or driveway, or keeping your garden green.
♥ Love your drains
Take care of your drains at home by avoiding pouring fats and food down the sink. Build up and obstructions in the drainage system will prevent water moving away efficiently during heavy rainfall.
Report issues with street drainage in your area via the council website: Report Problems with Transport, Parking and Streets - Nottingham City Council
☔ Be prepared for flooding
If you live or work in an area at risk of flooding, you can sign up to receive free government flood alerts
If there is a risk of flooding in your area, take advice on how to protect yourself, your property and others before, during and after a flood event.